SDLC detailed


A software development plan (SDP) refers to the process of organized management for a project. It describes the activities and the resources needed to complete it successfully. Software development planning encompasses the timeline of a development project.



Requirement Analysis

A software requirements specification (SRS) is a description of a software system to be developed. It is modeled after business requirements specification (CONOPS).

A software design description (a.k.a. software design document or SDD; just design document) is a representation of a software design that is to be used for recording design information, addressing various design concerns, and communicating that information to the design’s stakeholders.

ER Diagram stands for Entity Relationship Diagram, also known as ERD is a diagram that displays the relationship of entity sets stored in a database.

A UML diagram is a diagram based on the UML (Unified Modeling Language) with the purpose of visually representing a system along with its main actors, roles, actions, artifacts or classes, in order to better understand, alter, maintain, or document information about the system.

A CAD drawing is a detailed 2D or 3D illustration displaying the components of an engineering or architectural project. Computer-aided design utilizes software to create drawings to be used throughout the entire process of a design project, from conceptual design to construction or assembly.


System documentationThe collection of documents that describes the requirements, capabilities, limitations, design, operation, and maintenance of a system, such as a communications, computing, or information processing system.

Design example from the real world:


test plan – includes the types of testing you will be using, resources for the testing and how the software will be tested

Test script – instructions each tester tests

QA – quality assurance

SIT – system integration testing

UAT – user acceptance testing

RC – Ready candidate

RTM – Ready to Market


Test plan – a document detailing the objectives, resources, and processes for a specific test for a software or hardware product. The plan typically contains a detailed understanding of the eventual workflow.

STD – Software test documentation – is the vital element that raises any experimental activities to the level of a software test.

SDP – Software Development Plan

  • Product Description
  • Team Description
  • Software Process Model Description
  • Project Definition
  • Project Organization
  • Validation Plan
  • Configuration/Version Control
  • Tools

Detailed Requirements

  • Platforms
  • Tools and languages
  • Software architecture
  • Frameworks (.NET, ASP.NET,…)
  • GUI design
  • UML diagrams
  • ER diagrams
  • CAD drawings


Programming Styles:

UX Designers – User-Experience Designers

QA people – Quality Assurance people

SDD – Software Design Document

SRS – Software Requirements Specification

SDP – Software Development Plan

ER – Entity Relationship Diagrams

UML – Unified-Modeling-Language Diagrams

STD – Software Test Documentation

STP – Software Test Plan