1. Planning
The planning phase is when the project plans are documented, the project deliverables and requirements are defined, and the project schedule is created. It involves creating a set of plans to help guide your team through the implementation and closure phases of the project.
- Reduces Uncertainty
- Focus on Objectives/Goals
- Economical Operation
- Facilitates Control
- Encourages Innovation and Creativity
- Lack of Reliable Data
- Rigidity
- Time Consuming Process
- Costly Process
- Rapid Change
The Analysis Phase is where you break down the deliverables in the high-level Project Charter into the more detailed business requirements. The Analysis Phase is also the part of the project where you identify the overall direction that the project will take through the creation of the project strategy documents.
3. Design stage
The Design Phase is an essential phase of the Software Development Life Cycle. The list of requirements that you develop in the definition phase is used to make design choices. In the design phase, one or more designs are created to achieve the project result. Depending on the project subject, the design phase products include dioramas, flow-charts, sketches, site trees, HTML screen designs, photo impressions, prototypes, and UML schemas.
Advantages of the Design Process
The process has many advantages compared with the traditional method of teaching practical skills. Some of these are:
- it brings out (unearths) the creative potential of the learner.
- It suppresses the spirit of copying in class.
Fig1.1:Design should be attractive to let the consumer say “This is nice! I would like to own it. Courtesy:commons.wikimedia.org
- It is student-centred as learners play active role in planning the practical lesson and skills.
Disadvantages of the design process
- It is time consuming to go through the lengthy process before the realisation.
- It is less economical since one requires stationery and quite a lot of materials to present the various stages.
4.Coding/Implementation stage
It means translating the design to a computer-legible language. In this fourth stage of SDLC, the tasks are divided into modules or units and assigned to various developers. The developers will then start building the entire system by writing code using the programming languages they chose. This stage is considered to be one of the longest in SDLC. The developers need certain predefined coding guidelines, and programming tools like interpreters, compilers, debugger to implement the code.
Enhanced Efficiency
Risk of project failure is reduced
Minimal Complexity
Pretty much every coding standard is terrible. They are generally based of people’s ideas about good code — who are sometimes not even developers, much less senior developers with more experience about what matters. So, the disadvantage is that you will be using a terrible standard.
5.Testing: This phase of the software development life cycle is concerned with the testing of the developed product. Most work in this phase is done by the quality assurance team. The QA testers in the quality assurance team read all the lines of codes written by the developers and try to find any errors or mistakes in this code. If any errors are found in the code or the product they are sent back to the team of developers and they have to correct these errors. Then this modified code is again sent to the QA testers and they look for any other flaws in the code. This process is repeated until all the code is error free.
This model is a simple, and easy to manage. This model is perfect for standard projects with fixed requirements.
This approach is not suitable for complex projects. Most of the disadvantages of Waterfall model applies to this model as well. This model ships only once in the entire lifecycle.
6.Deployment: This phase of the software development cycle is related to the launch of a product in the market. The completed product is shown to the customer and the stakeholder. After this it is launched into the market and is ready for use.
- The flexible package creation and release.
- It works for large teams, primarily when there are planned releases.
- It requires the infra to be flexible enough to support it.
- It requires time to control what can be merged on master before the package creation.
- It will require good ability with the version control system.
- Manage the release versions.
7.Maintenance/ Improvements: This is the last phase of the software development life cycle. This step is related to the maintenance of the developed software. After the product is released into the market the performance of the product and its popularity is observed. The trends related to the product are observed such as is the software fulfilling its requirements, is it easy to use by the consumers, etc. The feedback that we get from the consumers is observed and on the basis of this feedback changes are made to the software.
- Follows a schedule- By following a schedule, you are able to keep to a budget while maintaining your building. Also you will be able to keep track of all your equipment and pin point times when you will need to replace your equipment.
- Longer equipment/building life- When equipment is being checked and maintained, it will be kept in its best shape, therefore extending its lifetime. With routine check-ups on building parts such as pipes, boilers, and roofing you’ll extend the life of your building as well.
- More money upfront- When initially starting a preventative maintenance plan, it will cost you more to regularly maintain equipment and the building, than it would be if you waited for things to simply break down.
- More workers- Preventative maintenance require more workers because regular checks are a must. When compared to reactive maintenance, you simply need to call someone in for a onetime fix. Instead this method requires workers to always be on site and perform daily works.